Becoming a subscriber is free & easy!

Our free subscriber service helps us help you! By committing to a list of titles that you want to buy, it helps us ensure those titles are always available for you. Complete the form below to create or update your pull list. Your comics will be ready & waiting for you at our shop every Wednesday or we can ship them directly to you!

Wondering what books are coming out? Click here to see a weekly list of upcoming releases. This list previews the books in time for us to still order them for you!


1) For in-shop subscribers, all comics must be picked up within 3 weeks of their release date.
2) After 3 weeks, you will receive an email reminding you that the comics need to be paid for. If you cannot pick them up at the shop, you'll receive a PayPal invoice. When you pay the invoice, you'll have the choice of picking up the books or paying the postage to have them shipped to you.
3) If we are unable to collect payment for any books that are not picked up after 4 weeks, the account will be closed and the pull list cancelled.
4) To reopen a previously closed pull list, a $100 non-refundable deposit will be required.
5) You may drop a subscription title at any time, but you agree to purchase any issues that have already been pulled and/or have already been ordered for you.